Wikimedia Commons, Arild Vågen
Wikimedia Commons, Arild Vågen
Delaware's Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a new partnership earlier this month to promote sustainable farms and help the environment.
The department formalized a Memorandum of Understanding, for a five-year span, with the EPA during Delaware’s Agricultural Week Jan. 15. Funding, regulatory coordination, educational opportunities and recognizing farmers who make progress on environmental issues are part of the partnership.
State Agricultural Secretary Mike Scuse said funding is the most important issue to Delaware farmers.
“Working together to coordinate and leverage federal, state and private funding to support our environmental programs to look at ways that we can use grant funding directly here to the Department of Agriculture – again – to help us with some of the needs that the agricultural community has,” Scuse said.
Scuse said the memorandum is the first of its kind for Delaware.