City of Milford issued the following announcement on April 20.
The water main construction on NE Front St. and Rehoboth Blvd. is nearing completion. Underground piping is complete and rehab construction has begun. We will publish a weekly update through project completion.
Wednesday, April 20 Update: The contractor continues to prepare for pavement restoration for the remainder of this week. Work will include concrete curb repair, sidewalk replacement, and water main abandonment. All work will be completed during the daytime with lane shifts to maintain two way traffic and possible lane closures.
Overall project note: Once the water main construction is complete, the construction area from Rehoboth Blvd. to 4th St. will be milled and paved, while NE Front St. from 4th St. to Washington St. will be milled in preparation for the DelDOT Streetscape Project. This project will transform the entire look of that gateway into the City complete with brick sidewalks, crosswalks, sidewalks on both sides of the street and a protected bike lane.
Original source can be found here.